Proverbs 3-5: The Path of Life

I think a lot about what knowledge I want to pass on to my children. Much crosses my mind, but one piece of information stands above the rest (because honestly, this nugget of truth covers what they need to know to be equipped for life). I want my children to know that a relationship with Jesus is about constantly choosing the path of life not the path of death. These two paths are contrasted throughout Scripture, especially in Proverbs 3-5.

Proverbs 5:6 – “She does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it.” ‘She’ is the adulterer. She is the opposite of wisdom. She is sin. Proverbs 5 describes her, the path of death, as forbidden (v.3), smoother than oil (v.3), bitter (v.4), cutting (v.4), dismissive (v.6), wandering (v.6), unaware (v.6). The path of death hates discipline (v.12), does not listen to instruction (v.13), is impure (vv.15-20), and it traps us (v.22). I’m so convicted by this description because I see my sin. What lures me is forbidden because my God wants that place in my life. What entices me is smooth as oil but leaves me with a bitter aftertaste. I wander down the path of death when I lose sight of the path of life. But, there is hope. I can resist the path of death when I welcome discipline from my Father, listen to his words and the words of wise council, seek what is pure, and break away from the cords of my sin by relying on the blood of my Savior.

It’s a battle. I’m exhausted just thinking about the work it takes to resist the path of death, but isn’t it the least I can do for the One who was obedient to death for me? Christ didn’t just sacrifice a desire. He gave his life, which makes it possible for me to sacrifice my desires to him.

Proverbs 3:18 – “She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; those who hold her fast are called blessed.” This ‘she’ is wisdom. She contradicts the path of death in every way. She brings life and blessings (v.18). She guards (4:6), gives insight (4:7), honors (4:8), but we have to guard and keep her in order to experience what she has to offer (4:13). To know the life that wisdom offers, we have to avoid the path of death (4:14-15).

I found something pretty cool the other day in Proverbs 3:18. The phrase “tree of life” is talking about wisdom. Wisdom is a tree of life. A tree of life – the very item in the Garden of Eden given to Adam and Eve to freely partake of was wisdom. Wisdom was constantly there at their disposal. All they had to do was reach for it. Wisdom is also at our disposal. All we have to do is seek it. Adam and Eve, like us, stretched their hand to the wrong tree. God gave them all of trees in the garden except one (Genesis 2:16), and they became fixated with the exception. God gives us everything we need, but we can become fixated with what is forbidden.

When my oldest son was seven, he asked me why God placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden in the first place. It’s a good question. Why did God give another option to wisdom? In terms that my son could understand, I said, “You know what, Buddy. I think God placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden because he loved Adam and Eve so much, and he longed for them to choose him back in return. He didn’t want to create robots that he commanded to love him. He wanted them to choose him but didn’t want to make them choose him, so he tested them by placing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden. He thought – As long as my children stay away from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, I know that they trust me and choose to believe that I know what is best for them.”

Even now, generations after generations later, God has provided us with an alternative to the path of death. He offers us a tree of life – wisdom, which is him. Are you reaching for him? Are you fighting to eat from the tree of wisdom? What exception to what God has allowed are you fixated on? What’s causing you to lose focus on the path of life?

My precious sons, choose wisdom, stretch for the tree of life even when the reach is far and the stretch hurts, avoid the path of death. My great love for you is in this instruction. Wisdom will guard and keep your life, and your life is worth it because you belong, body and soul, to the One who rules with infinite wisdom. Reach for him!